6 Thank Yous For The Bitches Who Should Rule Cebu City and Bark More

1. Thank you and my sincerest and even most embarrassing apologies to my close friend Shila. Like I said it was a thoughtless move that I kind of am still bothered by and I terribly feel scared for. Please help me remind myself not to play any type of moving toys when I'm with you, especially if it involves palabad, gillette blade ug beyblade nga tingga ang tumoy. 

And here's your brilliant essay on Why Bitches Should Bark More. It is modern but simple yet full of kind fun wit:

B-I-T-C-H : Babe In Total Control of Herself

Everyone thinks that this is not
a wholesome word.

Everyone tries
to avoid saying this word.
Everyone makes
sure that they are not called as BITCH!

But NOT for us.. we call ourselves..BITCHes!
I - In
T- Total
C - Control of
H - Him/Herself

We are formed by fun activities, adventures and great stories. We tell stories of almost everything under the sun. We play around, eat anywhere and drink to death like no one cares.

Who says no one cares? We do. We are loved by many, envied by few and hated by millions. But we have each other.. it's more than enough to be thankful for.

I personally would confirm that I am a BITCH. It's fun to be one. I don't live in a boring world full of illusions.

BITCHes are true to each other. We say the bad truth to each other. We say what we think but we love what we have and these are friends that are BITCHes within.

You may judge us the same way as you judge how dirty the word is. But don't you dare try to invade our lives..BITCHes will surely rock your world and you will soon love being a BITCH.

Dont let anyone control you. Be a ruler of your own to become one of US!
-Shila, a 3 yr. old person

2. Thank you Katkat. You are an evolved sly generous person and a water-giver sa Krispy Kreme and you always reply to my texts and you have the kindest words such as, "Baaaaaad!", so you are ominous. I'm kidding, pero dili kana nga part. Kana ba. Kana gud.

3. Our own Bisaya Short Films Trivia last night in One Pavillion and Joan's House and Mcdo Punta where Gela won P20 and I was The Master (Yeah, I am Joaquin Phoenix) and Katkat, Portia and Gela won The Cornetto should be a required activity for everybody, just like P.E. Martin Castillanes

4. Thank you Mary Ann sister of Joan and also Joan for the Seaweed chips that beggars don't seem to like kay their palette is way too dull/sophisticated to discriminate its feel; Roj for not wearing the lamest shades and for the car which shall be used like how government uses people's money for the party next week; Portia for nothing; and The Manananggal for not showing up while naa mis eskina nila Joan.

5. Thank you, Tambayan movie house and Cebu Trivia Night for teaching me how to love Showing me what the world means What I've been dreamin' of And now I know, there is nothing that I could not do Thanks to you...............no mountain, no valley No time, no space 

Thanks to you...Thanks to you...Thanks to you.

6. Thank you Acoustica 
for allowing me to invent the Sisig Pasta, 
which isn't in the menu and is from the Siomai 
Noodles and Sisig. 
Acoustica is a Bisaya Short Film food store 

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