A Guide To Christopher Nolan's Interstellar

Books I Go Back To Often that will remind you of Christopher Nolan's Interstellar if you're not you:

1. Haruki Murakami's Kafka On The Shore, where "Kafka" travels to a town for no reason other than he just feels like he's got to be there.

2. Nicholson Baker's House of Holes, where a talking body-less hand fingers a labia. It's not porn when you're not the one pleasuring yourself and no one is pleasuring you either.

3. David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest, where there's mention of a guy whose left leg is longer than the right, but then the right leg is also longer than the left.

4. Catch-22, where the eponymous paradox is.

Movies I Think About Often that I'm 90% sure to be 100% As Gorgeous and Ambitious and Dopamine-Pumping as Interstellar:

1. The Matrix
2. Holy Motors
3. Brief Interviews With Hideous Men
4. Darren Aronofsky's Pi

Music I Cried To That Remind Me of What I Felt From Watching Interstellar:

1. Glen Hansard' Lies
2. Bruce Springsteen's The Wrestler
3. David Bowie's Space Odyssey

Stuff you can say to people who didn't like Interstellar:

1. You just don' like Interstellar because Christopher Nolan is black.

2. Are you depressed? Are you being third-layer ironic?

3. Can I hug you?

4. You like it. You just don't know it yet.

5. You know you're Christopher Nolan in a parallel universe, right?

6. Where's your suspension of disbelief, bro?

7. Whether you like Interstellar or not, one thing is certain: Interstellar Is Not The Fault In Our Stars.

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