Viva Films' Dumb and Dumber To And Paul Thomas Anderson's Magnolia

1. I must have laughed hard watching Viva Films' Dumb and Dumber To because just hours ago I was immersed in Lav Diaz' "Mula Kung Ano Ang Noon", a 5-hour enchantment about why 1972 is super exciting for Ferdinand Marcos and his Martial Law homies. 

Lav's movie is a less funny version of "Songs From The Second Floor", but what's funnier than Notes and Mula Kung Ano is Dumb and Dumber To.

2. I like how Dumb and Dumber To reminds people how there's no line between genius and madness, and how Albert-Camus-absurd everything you didn't learn from kindergarten is. This movie reminds me of:

2.1 Darren Aronofsky's Pi, because of its ending about how you can stop suffering and self-infliction by shunning the worship of intellect.

2.2 Wayne's World, because Party Time, Excellent!

2.3 That zoom-in camera trick in Paul Thomas Anderson's Magnolia where a scuba diver was scooped out of the sea and dropped on a tree.

3. The two people I shared my Viva Films' screening tickets agreed that this movie could save Jim Carrey's career and life. Lord knows we don't need another Robin Williams.

3.1 I wonder what it'd be like if Lav Diaz directed a Dumb and Dumber. 5 hours of Jim Carrey just making funny faces and Jeff Daniels playing with a cat that just snorted cocaine? Sold!

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