What Happened At The Gibbs Hot Wings Media Launch?
1. Gibbs' Wasabi Hot Wings Happened.
They're so good, they cleared out my nasal passages. Gibbs' Hot Wings are so far my Gold Standard for Hot Wings.
I've never caught myself saying "This one is better than Gibbs!", and with the Wasabi addition, along with the Hickory Wings and The Honey Garlic variants served last night's Media Launch, can I challenge anyone to prove me wrong?
2. Bloggers Happened.
I met in the event the creators of Istorya.net and Food Panda and IssaPlease and Kalami Cebu and Lami Kaayo, the websites that feature Cebu's prime offerings ranging from Tuslob Buwa to Francis Oliverio's fashion designs. It was David Foster Wallace who said that a novel is like a deformed baby that you're forced to love. I wonder what these creators thought of their blog babies.
3. Food Panda happened.
Food Panda is your solution when you find yourself saying, "I want to eat Gibbs' through internet delivery because I'm too busy watching all of the Bisaya Short Films directed by Woody Allen! "
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Don't forget to download the Food Panda App now. Available via Apple Store, Google Play and Windows Store.