Solutions for Bored Filipinos from Tanous’ The Secret of Fatima

So you’re done reading the books of David Foster Wallace. You’re convoluted, confused, disheartened, as if your inmost parts are gorged out of you, and you want something creative and just as genius that doesn’t crush your soul. 

Maybe you should consider Peter Thanous Secret of Fatima, a book I got out of curiosity and from Peter Thanous himself for free from the Great Overrated Guy I’m Trying Hard Not To Envy, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, 

who should be President of America or President of Philippines after Duterte because we need his Morally Calibrated Intolerance to Intolerance.

Anyway, the book. The Secret of Fatima is mine. It is a book I wish I wrote. It is popcorn and potato chips because I hate how the author made it the story so raw, brilliantly rough-cut, organic, no n-neurotic, non-powdered that you cant digest the ideas and story, that I  ant get enough of each paaaage. 

I remember still reading it in a 7 Eleven in a squallid part in Cebu City just so I would know whether the - oh she i forgot the guy’s name, must google, but details like names dont matter here, its the story, the fact that i keep on flipping the pages and That i havent done in books by David Foster wallce, james salter, maybe Salinger’s book, I did that. 

Anyway the novel’s a good fun easy read but I want to read it again. It is so good I want to pay Peter Thanous Paypal money because I dont want to enjoy it for free. 

But maybe this review is gesture enough. I also want to point out here that Taleb’s right when he wrote in that list of books to read that this is a page turner. 

I wanna know how the author does this so I can follow! How can the story be so deceptively written so simply have such magic to engage me to follow the romance of - oh wow look at that i remember his name it is Father Thrall! - Thrall and Kate. 

Maybe the concept of assymetry in being a military man and priest, the barbell strategy format of it, lures me? Maybe the Ideas in investing that are here in this novel give aesthetics to decentralized, antifragility, both extremes strategy that 

Im so dearly in love of?! I can’t know.

2. Watch Bisaya Films

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