UV Design School, Chillage and Children's Art: Solutions To Whatever Is Wrong With Cebu

1. First, it could be argued that there's really nothing wrong with Cebu. It's just perspective. Rape to some could just be an enigmatic experience for the Zen Buddhists. But what do I know? I'm just a Genius who knows everything....says Taong Grasa sa Dan.

2. There's a push in children's art in Bisaya Short Films Mall Headquarters 1 right now a.k.a. Ayala July 6, 2013. I say push because there's art out there from Banksy that doesn't seem pushy but has some effect that I don't trust I can see from little tiny houses and digitalization of Cubism and Warhol paintings from children. But art is art, right? Even that tiny white stuff on your face that rhymes with pit is an art. No, I don't mean ZIT. Totally not.

3. Chillage the art coffee shop intrigues because their leaflets show David Foster Wallace's  Sierpinski Gasket and David Foster Wallace has the answers Mayor Michael Rama needs . La Belle Aurore: why that name when we can't say that out loud without sounding pretentious? We know it's from Casablanca, but why? Third: that Bamboo Speakers on display cost too much for something we can get for free. UV Design School should offer scholarships for, uhhhm, I don't know, the genius people behind The Bisaya Short Films movement? Here they are, unnoticed and critically acclaimed: youtube.com/posporomaker. And by critically acclaim I mean the short films are only viewed by robots. Only the robots deserve the diaphanous pull of the Paul Thomas Anderson-rooted Bisaya Short Films: 

But what do I know? 

I'm only a guy who has seen all of Woody Allen's films and who cried so hard in the movie Dandelions, a free film from 18th French Film Festival, where I had to visit for Jacques Audiard's Rust and Bone, the probably sequel to The Beat That My Heart Skipped, a film that I swear to God should be a requirement to Cebuano politicians whose religion coincides with stealing from the Pinoys; it is their happiness to steal, so who are we to deprive them? 

Film review of Dandelions: Rachel should meet up with little Alvy Singer, the believer of the fact that the Universe explodes. But with Alvy in the story, I wouldn't have cried so ecstatically on the demise of Valerie. Bisaya Short Films Rating: 5/5, but mostly because it's a personal film, like Good Will Hunting and The Robber GOD I should stop saying that now. :

P.S. Minion Doesn't Care If The Mall Is On Sale. Also, if you really don't care, why do you still need to tell me that you don't care? Is it because you're a liar and you should stop churning out poop woops asap?

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