Pope Francis and Marcos Talk About Pyramiding Scams and GC Premiere Direct Selling: A Play

Pope: Hi, Devil who is known to be promoting pyramiding scams.

The Devil: Zup. How's business?

Pope: Ok ra. Everything's good and tight. What about you?

The Devil: Perfect, still rich. I'm rich, so you hate me. I have another business that's not like the pyramiding scams they do and I make millions and I have millions more than you because I'm a winner and I'm separated from the losers, and by losers I mean those who lost weight haha. There's irony there, and haha I'm smart for noticing.

Pope: That's good. May I ask for some money?

Devil: Sure, will you give that to the poor?

P: Yes, I love the poor. They're so poor, I love them. I mean, they're not really poor, but I consider them poor in hearts because without the poor, what am I?

Devil: Haha you're hilarious, Pope. You're dope.

Pope: Hehe to you, too. Anyway, what's your new business?

Devil: I sell GC Premiere products now and invite people to do the same. They're not a pyramid scam. Pyramiding scams are bad and that's the hashtag truth. Mine is not.

You buy 10 apples from us for half the cost of apples you buy at X, with the same taste. Then you sell them. Where's bad there?

Although of course there's no proof that we're selling you authentic apples unless you go to DOST to have our apples tested, but they're cheaper, so that's the only risk. If you find our products fake, you can always sue us, right? Duh. If you're going to be questionable, at least be original about it, you rich-hating Pope.

Pope: But diba, if people say it's not a pyramid scam, then they're definitely pyramiding scams.

Devil: If people say I'm bad, does that mean I killed those people last Martial Law? Just because the media and the books say I'm responsible for the killings doesn't mean I'm a killer look at me I'm so cute and long hair is what I am. No one as cute as I would kill, don't you think?

Pope: I will pray for you.

Devil: Pray, then buy these, Huray for products that ARE NOT from Pyramiding scams!


The Devil Is Ferdinand Marcos and The Pope Francis Is The P and Satan

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