A Supposedly Unpublished and Spam-Tagged Jessica Rules The Universe Blog Comment and Movie Review of Admission, The Robber, A Separation, The Pixies' Bagboy and Ian McEwan's Novels and The Genius of Judd Apatow and Paul Thomas Anderson and The Insanity Defense That I Will Probably Do Again

1. Just listened to new song of The Pixies and the lyric was something like "You Proselytize Alone." and it struck me as a song for me in a way that Jed's words to Joe struck me in Roger Michell's movie of Ian McEwan's Enduring love, a movie comment of my probably proselytizing alone, a theme of The Pixies Bagboy, a new song I just listened to. To live extremely is to push against the flow of time that's borne back to the past, so Dear God: Is Proselytizing Alone a necessity?

2. Yes, true, Tina Fey's Admission has no real conflict because why would the Prodigy want to be in Princeton and why would Tina Fey worry about the son when the son's a genius and why would I judge Portia when she's coping in whatever means to the ennui of being in a double-bind, but Groucho Marx has no real conflict, but we still barrel into the work not because there's eroticism but because we still realize that Having no real conflict is the point of- oh shit be normal be normal don't talk too much you're not ready to be deemed too "inteligientz" by your friends and too crazy to their taste because it's embarrassing.

But I just watched American Psycho, the funniest movie of the week, a Family Guy Peter Griffin-centered episode disguised as a movie, and after laughing through the confession of Patrick Bateman  - Portia Nathan is reference to my brilliant Grouchoist friend Portia and Nathan is Nathan For You, a must see for Zobel de Ayala. If only I can find a way to tell personally Zobel how total-the-opposite-of-the-ghetto-but-still-the-ghetto his Vipinoy system is. Vipinoy: a capitalist commune, a capitalist socialism, where commodities are shared and yet the commoners are encouraged to buy. Brilliant, genius, Iannis Xenakis level of Cunning! Also, Esq. Zobel, where's that Indonesian coffee that made me love the Vipinoy? If we're really VIP, why is our coffee instant NesCAFI (yes, It's I, not E. Robert Frost, if anything, taught us that poetry is songs and rhyme is a weapon)- and but then oh okay so back to, after Bateman confessed and the lawyer said he had dinner with X ( I read Lydia Davis and X has never been used more divinity-ly), he and I seemed to realize that the NOT-HIM are/is more insane and what's the point of the attempt to blend.

And I wonder like Terrence Mallick's To The Wonder wonder: is there no one really that can tell me if the movie's better than the Bret Easton Ellis's American Psycho  the way The Godfather series, a basis of what I read is the Judd Apatow trilogy of 40 Year Old and Knocked Up and Superba, is one of the rare cases where the movie's better than the book? and how is this related to the not-yet-watched-but-already-clearly-PRISM-tracked-downloaded Hitchcock Psycho I have on Dropbox? Because I read Lunar Park and it's not good the way Spam like this is not.

3. I'm only writing of Admission because 20th minute-ish into the movie I cried with reverie and wanted it like a choice, the same way people who line in a taxi queue for four hours because it's a test of Patience...the name of my friend, Patience. It was a joy to cry. The way I cried to Identity Thief's Jane/Ryu/Jane Doe/McCarthy Character because she was adopted and had nowhere real to run to. The way I cried to Jason Bourne's Will Hunting when he said is there a sign at my back that says I am in need of help. The way I cried to Michael Heisenberg's The Robber,a  film used in my award-winning published short LitWit blog post about Facebook and Social Network that reeks of self-conscious David-Foster-Wallace-aspiring Double-Bind sardony and ironicism and politicianism and formal humor and that probably is the reason I am doubly quarterly Jessica Zafra blog-banned. Not that Jessica Zafra, but the other Jessica Zafra.

4. No, Aimee Mann. 4 is The Loneliest Number...Man.

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